Yiwu Dingcang Import & Export Co.,Ltd
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Details and use of installing a home wall switch
Release Time : 2019-01-14  Browse : times
All kinds of electrical appliances enter the home, and electrical appliances are becoming more and more colorful. In many places, wall switch sockets need to be placed. A wide variety of switches and sockets for various purposes. Therefore, we should do the wiring work in advance before the decoration of the house, and what places need to be placed in the future, we must plan ahead and reserve the installation position of the wall switch socket for it.

A room must have at least 3 outlets, a set of two-bedroom homes with no fewer than 15 outlets and no fewer than eight switches. The switch height of the same room should be the same. Generally, the switch should be 1.4 meters from the ground and the socket should be 0.3 meters from the ground. The switch of the entrance and the living room should be set at a place that the owner can easily reach.

Remind you: Do not install the wall switch socket too close to the water. Open the balcony and remember to use the special splash cover for the switch socket.

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